One day i received a text message from my cousin informing me to pray for their daddy because he was diagnosed with a colon cancer. Days after i again got a message coming from her that their dad is admitted in the hospital and bade goodbye to them, telling them he is ready to meet GOD! While reading the message i feel sad and guilty what if uncle will die on that very moment...without seeing him while he was alive. It was late midnight so i decided to visit him the following day. I am lucky because i saw him alive on the day i visited him in the hospital, though he did not really recognized me at first. While seeing him lying in his hospital bed i can feel the pain because it manifest in his expressions every time he fart and urinate. He was due for operation ASAP, but he refused, he offered his fate and everything to GOD. We stayed their for more than two hours and in between during his naps my cousin told me that when uncle opened his eyes one morning he told them he saw heaven and it is a very nice place, very radiant and wonderful, he really likes it there. Btw, my uncle is a pastor and according to my mother he deserves to be in heaven for he is a good man. Uncle is the husband of my mother's only sister. At 5:45 one early morning uncle passed away, and i believed he is in heaven now! I know he is very happy resting in heaven now with all the angels. He must be so fortunate for seeing a bit of heaven before he died and i am so lucky and very thankful for sharing it with us.
One day i received a text message from my cousin informing me to pray for their daddy because he was diagnosed with a colon cancer. Days after i again got a message coming from her that their dad is admitted in the hospital and bade goodbye to them, telling them he is ready to meet GOD! While reading the message i feel sad and guilty what if uncle will die on that very moment...without seeing him while he was alive. It was late midnight so i decided to visit him the following day. I am lucky because i saw him alive on the day i visited him in the hospital, though he did not really recognized me at first. While seeing him lying in his hospital bed i can feel the pain because it manifest in his expressions every time he fart and urinate. He was due for operation ASAP, but he refused, he offered his fate and everything to GOD. We stayed their for more than two hours and in between during his naps my cousin told me that when uncle opened his eyes one morning he told them he saw heaven and it is a very nice place, very radiant and wonderful, he really likes it there. Btw, my uncle is a pastor and according to my mother he deserves to be in heaven for he is a good man. Uncle is the husband of my mother's only sister. At 5:45 one early morning uncle passed away, and i believed he is in heaven now! I know he is very happy resting in heaven now with all the angels. He must be so fortunate for seeing a bit of heaven before he died and i am so lucky and very thankful for sharing it with us.
Its been awhile since my previous post here. I have nothing much to write about for now. But, i would like to post in here some tips i have gathered regarding relationships. Breaking with someone can be one of the hardest thing to do for some, especially if they seriously love the person. Here it is:
1. Acknowledge that the relationship is really over. Come to terms with your own feelings and make a firm decision to end the relationship.
2. Don't delay the inevitable. Once you decide to break up with your partner, immediately think about how, when and where you will take action.
3. Make sure you're the one who personally delivers the news. Don't give a third party the opportunity to tell your partner that you want to break up before you have the chance to discuss the matter alone.
4. Select a private place to meet with your partner to end the relationship.
5. Find or schedule an appropriate time. Approach the topic when both of you are calm and rational. Don't announce your intention to break up during a heated argument or a moment of anger.
6. Show your resolve by being firm, decisive and honest. Help your partner understand why you want to end the relationship. Be tactful, not brutal.
7. Remind your partner that you'll never forget the positive qualities in your relationship, but emphasize that you're ready to move on with your life.
8. Give your partner the closure that he or she needs to accept the breakup; answer questions and talk it over instead of leaving loose ends.
9. Stay positive as you make plans to go separate ways.
I hope this last tip will be of great help somehow, for people who still live with bitterness in their hearts and dwell so much on the past. Well, each f us has each own reasons depending on the degree of the hurt it caused us. But, we should also remember past is past. Instead make your life better and make plans to move forward.
Infidelity nowadays is very common among marriages, its a sensitive issue and quite difficult to handle especially for women. I've heard and read stories about infidelity which causes shattered lives and broken marriages...I don't know why infidelity happens-there must be various reasons why it happens to anybody. When this thing happens some people tend to focus on the pain and sometimes neglect their children. Every now and then children are the ones more affected. In today's hectic and advance world it is important to keep marriages fresh and alive. I have read in a magazine about marriage and it says there one ingredient to maintain a happy marriage is to keep dating etiquette...go somewhere, date, as if you are new lovers -make your spouse as your best friend, your confidant and the one person that you can trust. Another is Communication which is very important- tell him your wants, your needs, your feelings, and even your thoughts. If everything else fails seek professional advice. It is better to talk to a proper person or a person you can trust who is open minded because surely they will not add to the fire.
Way back then news about Katrina Halili's involvement with Dr. Hayden Kho erupted and accordingly one of the reasons for Dr. Hayden Kho and Dr. Vicky Belo's break-up. Ms. Halili admitted that indeed she had an affair with Dr. Kho which lasted for months. Recently Ms. Halili is again in the limelight appealing for justice. She wanted Dr Kho's licence revoke for allegedly exposing their private videos. The said video scattered in the internet and Dvd stores. She went to the senate lately and to the NBI asking for help. Katrina's effort gained support from public officials. Dr. Kho was issued a hold departure order from the NBI. Investigation on her case is now in the process. As of this afternoon Dr. Kho face the media after a few days of silence and announced he is suspending his profession, and eventually asked forgiveness for the people he have hurt, the people involved in the scandal, his family and loved ones. It was supposed to be a private video according to him but was stolen from him by a former friend.
This scandal draws different opinions and became the talked of the town. Well, moral issues is hard to deal but I salute ms. Halili's courage to come out and air her sentiments. She even confirmed she is the girl in the video. I hope this case will end soon and everybody involved will move on. Allegedly Dr. Kho and Dr. Vicky Belo are back in each others arms again.
April 29, 2009
When I wake up each day, I won't let the day pass without reading my emails. Yesterday I received a forwarded email that makes me feel I am so blessed and thankful for what I have and what I am today. I wish everybody happiness, contentment and peace...Believe in what you can do, work hard and you will be rewarded for it. But sometimes working too much does not pay. Even if our economy goes up or down we can not deny the fact that there are still people starving, homeless,etc...there is a continuing struggle of individuals search for comfort and happiness. There are worse for others and a lot better for us...
If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?
If the society is unfair to you, look at her.
If you think you are not happy, look at them
If you think you don't have many friends, think of this guy.
when you feel like giving up, think of this man and the little girl below.
Life is full of surprises and disappointments, we all go through ups and downs, whatever it is we cannot avoid the fact that it is really happening-it is a reality i should say. We go through stages in life and along the way we encounter obstacles that sometimes refrain us from doing the usual things that we used to do. Discouragement comes in the way...and we deal with it differently.
Sometimes we feel insecure about so many things. My friend shared to me about her insecurity in speaking English-because she is judge by what she say and how she say it. Language barrier is a reality.
Recently we are in a critical time in thinking about how we handle and how we go through with the crisis that is happening globally, the consequences are truly felt by many nations. I guess this is one of the most serious challenges that we are facing nowadays that brought serious implications in us. Undeniably, many are jobless, some companies closed their establishments.
Times like this we should do our own share of finding solutions. We have to do something to address whatever situations we are into-because at the end of the day we are still the one who will be affected or benefit from it.